Chapter Unknown: My Hot-mess-ness

I am a struggling Christian with a struggling Lordship to a powerful God. I am a 22 year old woman, who is struggling to keep up with the daily grind. I am a daughter who tends to forget to be thankful. I am a struggling sister, who forgets to say I am proud of you. I am church member who forgets to tithe every Sunday. I am a loved girlfriend who forgets to be more appreciative of the little things. I am a struggling friend who breaks commitments at times. I am truly just a HOTMESS!

I also am a daughter of Christ who is forgiven.....

I want to be perfect in every area of my life, so that means I buy whiteboards to keep track with my weekly bible verses and weekly "to do list." I am the girl that buys two planners for a school year and plans everything out. I tend to spend more than I have because I need to do all things and be involved with everything. Sometimes I feel that when I confess with my mouth that I am broken maybe a week later I could get it together. Jokes on me. It doesn't work that way.

I guess what I am trying to get at is that the Lord is enough for all the flaws that cover me from head to toe. He takes on my dirty rags and makes me new.  It's like walking into your favorite store, where they take your coat for you and place all of those high price tag clothes in the dressing room for you. The dressing room is addressed to you! It makes you feel like what you came in as doesn't matter, but when you leave out of here, you will be made NEW! God did something unique when he took my dirty rags, undressed my filth and put me in riches. Then he sent his son Jesus Christ down to wear my clothes and take on my "hotmess-ness"! 

He not only whore my shirt that said: "Quaynese, the hotmess," but he took your shirt that said " hotmess" and your mother's shirt that said the same thing, and your father's shirt, and your cousin's shirt, and you best friend's shirt and so on... 

1 Peter 4:8 | "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins" 
1 Peter 2:24 | " He himself bore our sins" in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; " by his wounds you have been healed." "

I don't know about you, but I am swelling with emotions, with tears of joy because he took on my sins and made me feel like a million bucks! I may not dress like a million bucks but when it comes to the kingdom of heaven, I shall be seated at the throne with a net-worth of pure SALVATION! 
I thank you Lord for putting me in a new season of triumph and faithfulness. Thank you Lord for putting me in a season of change and trust and understanding. God even when I feel like my life is a hot mess, all I can say you clean it up. You make me a good mess. You make me feel like a million bucks, even when I feel like nothing. I am grateful that I have a God who knows all of my mess and still has unending love for me. Oh Thank you Jesus! 


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