Chapter 2.5 : I think I can....

There's nothing greater than learning to ride a bike - now maybe graduating Highschool or college, meeting your soulmate, or putting on your onyx ring, or purchasing your first car, or owning your first home. Those things could be better than riding a bike but to a child. Learning to ride a bike is probably the most gratifying thing ever in this world.

I was about 5 or 6 when I learned how to ride a bike. White bike with pink details on the front and the seat with those sparkly tassels on the ends. My bike also had training wheels. One on each side! I remember riding that bike like a pro! However, I mist give credit where credit is due, Thank God for training wheels, Amen! Without them my balance would have been completely off and riding down the sidewalk would be nearly impossible. That moment when you are extremely good (or decent in my case) at riding a bike with training wheels and when those things come off, instantly we graduate into big kid world. We can handle it! That's not always the case, it had to be my first or second time paddling on my bike without training wheels before my face got greatly familir with the concrete. Hello concrete. I wasn't ready for those wheels to come off. I wasn't ready for taking steps beyond the ones I needed to take. 

Jesus and his sweet word is true to this. Those who follow Christ without consulting with the Holy Spirit on big plans for their lives tend to see the outcome in the form of face - to - concrete. We fall without notice, without a chance to regain our balance. Then we have to get up and most of the time that means help from Jesus. For his warm embrace. His wide open arms and his love. Why is it that he still loves us even when we rush the plans he has for us? When we take our life into our own hands and seize control. How does he still loves us through our sins?

*immediate interjection* 

Romans 5:8 | " But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

 I think God is more than a genius. He is indescribable because he has done so much for those who deserve so little.

His love runs deep. His cup is always over pouring, especially, when we confess without our mouths the sins that hinder the steps to move forward and we believe with our hearts that our God is omnipresent and his faithfulness outlast the stars in the sky.

God's love gently places those training wheels back on the bike that wasn't ready. As we beginning to focus on God's plan for our lives, He will start to reveal himself to ourselves provoking and calling us to particular things.  God gently extracts the faces that lay face down in concrete. He sweetly cleans those who've fallen to quickly. He's such a good father too us. We are so so loved that height nor death nor anything in this world will separate us from the love of God. [Roman 8:39 ]

The Holy Spirit that is working in us today bursting for something more. 


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