
Showing posts from August, 2014


Let's celebrate another day, that in itself is a blessing from God. Stand steady to the love that is Christ Jesus. I have some much on my plate, but I never forget to take my eyes of my love, savior, father; My God! Through the hardship, stress, and doubt, that all goes away when I focus on him. Celebrate the little things in life getting paid this week, or just waking up today. Loving God is the biggest celebration! We must remember not to turn to God for the bad only, remember to always turn towards him. Never turn away from God... simply celebrate him. Philippians 4:4 | " Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in him!"  Celebrate God with me today, and be thankful for all he has done in your life, whether it is good or bad. God gave you life, he sent his one and only son to die on the cross for you. God loves you with all that he has, and all that he is. So thank him, praise him, and celebrate him! Happy Sunday!


My birthday is tomorrow, which is awesome, a blessing indeed to say that I will be 20 years old. Amazing to know that I got to live on this amazing planet God has created. However, today I wasn't looking this positive at all... Today I was hurting, filled with sorrow because I took a step back and looked at my lie. In what God has called me to do, I guess I am an overachiever or something, but I do not feel like I am following the path that God has set me on. I can make a list of all the things that I am not proud of, but that's not why I blog and that would be silly of me to do. Back to my story, I cried today, I wondered what accomplishments can I create in my 20's. So I did what God tells you to do when you create worry or become filled with sorrow, I prayed. I got down on my knees praying, I stood with my arms opened praying, and with music playing I continued praying. Until I was filled with the comfort of God's love, and him saying (metaphorically) that everythi...

Saved by the Grace of God

You know when people say, they are either saved or living by the Grace of God... Does it ever make you think, what on Earth are they talking about? Like do you have a story where God saved you or how he showed you the way. Does everyone get the same amount of the Lord's salvation? I know for me a number of questions arise when I hear people say that.. Who are the lucky ones to be saved by the Grace of God? Luke 7:20|  "And he said to the woman, Your faith has saved you; go in peace." Then I stumbled upon this bible verse (like I honestly stumbled upon this while I was on the computer, literally popped up on my screen) Like God wanted me to let others know. Know that if you have faith in the Lord then you will be saved. If you devote your life to being the hands and feet of God then you will be saved. I know I can whip out a story or two, where I thought that my life was over, instead I am saved because I gave my life to Jesus Christ and therefore, I am saved. I get...

Give me Faith

So the post before this goes hand and hand. This song is such a uplifting song and I really wanted to share it! If you don't get overwhelmed or for uplift from this then you are not cool. Just kidding. Check it out.   Tell me what you think, and I hope you like it (:

Walk Blindfolded

My day was AWESOME today... let me show you how awesome it was! The UNC helicopter came to work today which I got to capture that moment with a great friend, and after a long day I got to hammock! Pretty good day, no complaints, however; that all changes when I get a very upsetting letter from school. I was confused, then upset, and lastly I was frustrated. Not gonna lie, I was pretty upset that I shed a couple of tears. How can one thing push you over the edge make you so upset that you cry. Has that ever happen to you? Especially, when that something is out of your control, like if I can go catch that baseball before it slaps you in face, then I would. Guess what? Life doesn't work that way. It doesn't happen the way we want it to work. It works the way God intends for it to. Like the story in Genesis, when God tells Noah to build an ark because he sees the world in ruins and he floods the world. That was out of everyone's control, but it was in God's...

Wants < Needs

I remember in high school having a crush on this boy, (well actually turned out to be my first kiss), he was mister popular, he dressed great, he was handsome, and a pretty sweet talker. Man, I thought he was the full package!  Here's where this story get interesting, I got my first kiss by him when I was a sophomore in high school. Then a week later, he kissed my friend for her 16th birthday. Yeah he was the full package alright.  My mom use to say to me "We want what we don't need, and what we need we don't want." It made no sense I use to think she was just being a mom, but I have come to realize that it's the truth, especially, dealing with the boy who gave me my first kiss. In life we want the most prized possessions. Sometimes those things that we think we need in our lives aren't right for us. I am today still living and learning how to separate my needs from my wants. We need to look towards Christ and trust that he will separate our wants fro...

Just wait one sec...

I remember when I was little, my mom would buy me a sweet snack from the grocery store, and I remember she would say, "you have to wait until we get home to have one." Waiting when I was a kid seemed like three months and two days plus 47 seconds. By the time it took me to "wait until I got home," I was already tearing the wrapper off of the sweetest snack ever! My mom would turn and say that I was suppose to wait until I got home. Who could wait though?! So why does this happen, why must we have to wait for things? What is patience? Patience | noun ; the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.   Read that definition and think of what stands out to you and how it correlates with your life... Yeah for me the whole thing relates to me. "The capacity to accept or tolerate delay," I had to learn that stuff in life doesn't happen overnight, falling in love with God didn't happen ...