Saved by the Grace of God

You know when people say, they are either saved or living by the Grace of God... Does it ever make you think, what on Earth are they talking about? Like do you have a story where God saved you or how he showed you the way. Does everyone get the same amount of the Lord's salvation? I know for me a number of questions arise when I hear people say that..

Who are the lucky ones to be saved by the Grace of God?

Luke 7:20|  "And he said to the woman, Your faith has saved you; go in peace."

Then I stumbled upon this bible verse (like I honestly stumbled upon this while I was on the computer, literally popped up on my screen) Like God wanted me to let others know. Know that if you have faith in the Lord then you will be saved. If you devote your life to being the hands and feet of God then you will be saved. I know I can whip out a story or two, where I thought that my life was over, instead I am saved because I gave my life to Jesus Christ and therefore, I am saved. I get to live another day.

I keep my faith in the Lord through the times of storm, despair, and misery. Lord, I give my life to you and if it wasn't for the strength that you provide, the love that you show, the hope that you flash; I wouldn't be able to say that I am victorious today. I am saved because you chose to save me, and because I chose to follow you.  Thank you for your salvation. Lord, thank you for saving me. I am living by the grace of God.


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