Chapter 1: Titleless Entry

I'm being awakend by Jesus, opening my eyes to the bigger picture that he is trying to show me, instead of the minuscule details.

Or as author Anne Graham Lotz would put it :
" There is one true, living God who created all things and who controls all things - a God who has chosen to reveal Himself to you and to me. We just need to wake up and open our eyes to Him." 
What awesome and inspiring words that doesn't move me, but the details of the book and what it truly means to see God is what helps my eyes be readjusted and opened to his glory and majesty.  That's why this page was a titleless entry. God provides the title to every adventure we face in life whether its something that makes you jump for joy or brings you to your knees with tears. He provides a title that leads to a ending that is predestined. You can chose to write lines or fill lines with the ones instructed by the creator of all things because he is good. Now do you see God in the daily burdens and joys of your life ? Now do you see what he is offering you, and how your life is telling a great novel, thrilling and filled with so much Jesus.

I don't want to title this post because I want Jesus to fill my words to what he needs them to be. I want the title to radiant Jesus, screaming his name specifically to you. I want you to see God,  see that when life has turned into complete hell and you are stuck with no end, no one to turn to, no one to tell you they love you and respect you - Jesus is seated at the throne, where he plotted out the course of the storm with a brilliant title and an amazing ending that leads you straight back to him.

What's so good and cool about him is that he shows himself to us. God the father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Spirit; all and all.

Galatians 6:9 " So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessings if we don't give up. "

Keeping fighting and keep pushing because God is a consuming fire, exuding ashes filled with blesses that will cover you in your days of darkness. Not losing heart and him is easier said then done, but the best way to do it is keep praying. You will see God and all that he is!


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