New Year, Same God

Now I took a break... A long overdue break from my blog. There's a lot of reasons why, but none can explain why I haven't been so thankful for what Jesus does every single day. Constantly. His constant love be and grace and mercy. These past couple months... Boy can I list all of the mistakes, disappointments, upsets, and tears that have been shed but that's not why I blog nor is that something I want to talk about. I've realized that through the tears of unhappiness. The one C on my finals that I earned. The new roads I decide to pave for my life... God doesn't stop loving me nor does he say I'll love you any less.

He doesn't one day decide to give me a teaspoon of his love rather than giving arms full. It's a constant love. It's a crazy love he gives with unending amounts of it. That never stops and never holds back the amount. Knowing that Jesus is exactly who he says he is. 

So let's relate back to the title: "New Year, Same God" God will be the same guy he is tomorrow, his personality doesn't change, even if he decided to bleach his hair, he still gives out his never ending love and which is most important. Is that he still sits at the throne, seated high! Just that thought and thought alone makes waves and shifts the atmosphere for me.
Isaiah 6:1 | "I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up;" 

Nothing changes with a New Year when you set Goals aside from Christ; however, with God everything begins to change. Our longing for him, our hope and faith in him, our need for him, our hope and faith in him. Now those things change when you seek Chrsit. THey increase, intensify and become deeper. Bounded by his grace. 

Hebrews 13:8 \ " Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." 

So see the Lord, see him in his assigned seat on your life.. See that he is the Same God who is in control of all dispair, blessings, reconciliations; know that the Lord is always seated on the throne and is going to be in your life no matter ther circumstances. New Year, Same God. The power only of a true difference maker !


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