Warning Signs.
A couple of weeks ago, I went to church, I came home from church and did bible study with someone. I cried because I told them that my heart was heavy and the Lord is preparing us for something. We prayed on it, but did we constantly pray on it? That answer is just what is expected, NO! I said to them, the Lord is preparing us for a storm these next couple months, it's our chose to be prepared for it. This isn't the first time God weighed on my heart to reveal himself to me. It's simple though, he is placing his word on me, and I keep getting my job wrong. I keep thinking that I need to speak about one day, pray on it one day, then it will be taken care of. Jokes on me! That's not how it works, and I am slowly realizing this.
I am forgetting the most important step.
I am forgetting the most important step.
1 Thessalonians 5: 17 - 18 | "pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you."Whaattttt! I swell up with tears, let me tell you! Jesus is awesome. He warned me of the coming storm, I just didn't prepare for it. I didn't think I needed to stock my pantry with bread and supply my fridge with milk. I thought I simply would survive with the things I already had. However, what happens when all of those things run out? Well for starters is that you run out of food! You become mad and hungry-- other words you are hangry ( hungry +angry). Second, you are alone, but there is no one to blame but yourself. You knew of the storm and yet you did nothing. This is the same struggle I feel many of us go through. I am not ashamed to say that I ignored the waves and warnings that God put on my heart.
I have been praying and leaning on the spirit and he has taught me: Through storms, we aren't suppose to make sure that we are fully stocked with food and water. We are suppose to take our supplies and go to others that need. As children of Christ, we are committed to be helpers of Christ. Always should we be prepared to lend our hearts for love, lips for prayers, and hands and feet for helping. If God is placing something heavy on your heart, open your mouth and tell those who will listen. Pray together, stand in faith with one another. I have seen my mother do this so often in this season, and it's such a blessing how Jesus is shaping her faith. Thankful today that God has revealed the magic of amazing helpers of this world. I have seen so many big hearts full of unending love.
God you are a magical God! You allowed your son to carry our sins so that we may be blameless. What a gift! You present this gift to us each and everyday. Words cannot form the gratefulness for that. Ultimately, we pray to be servers of God. When we are mixing the signals of the world with the word of God, we will be lost. However, when we just worship and pray, the answer will simply be Jesus.
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