
Showing posts from July, 2015

Warning Signs.

A couple of weeks ago, I went to church, I came home from church and did bible study with someone. I cried because I told them that my heart was heavy and the Lord is preparing us for something. We prayed on it, but did we constantly pray on it? That answer is just what is expected, NO! I said to them, the Lord is preparing us for a storm these next couple months, it's our chose to be prepared for it. This isn't the first time God weighed on my heart to reveal himself to me. It's simple though, he is placing his word on me, and I keep getting my job wrong. I keep thinking that I need to speak about one day, pray on it one day, then it will be taken care of. Jokes on me! That's not how it works, and I am slowly realizing this. I am forgetting the most important step. 1 Thessalonians 5: 17 - 18 | "pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you." Whaattttt! I swell up with tears, let me tell you! Jesus is awesome. He w...

Miss the Mark

I want to tell a little story. My first summer working as a camp counselor we had to do staff training nights, where we would sit and listen to people speak about the awesomeness that is summer camp. Also we would hear radical words about how great camp is. Sometimes during training we do songs and games, which is my favorite part. One day during training, we were learning all about archery the importance of safety, and we even got to shoot some arrows! Oh Lord, let me tell you that I am not Katniss Everdeen. I remember standing, looking straight at the target, the bullseye, and missing completely. Maybe my aim was too high or too low, but I know the intended target was missed. That's how we treat our faith sometimes, we miss the mark.   The Target: Glory of God  The Arrows: Faith & Worship We say that God is at the center of our lives, and we want to give complete trust, faith, and worship over to him. Just sometimes we miss the mark. We may think that we are ai...