Happy Anniversary!!!
Today is the 1 year anniversary of my blog! Ahhh I am so thankful for today, for this blog and for the impact it has had on my life. When you behold the gospel EVERYTHING changes. So today instead of telling you how he was the difference maker in my life, I figured I could show you! Some of these pictures are a little over a year ago but all still applies. I am not ashamed of the person I use to be, instead I rejoice because of how far Jesus Christ has brought me. These two three pictures are from Winter of 2013 and Jan of 2014.... Yup. Take it all in with me. I wasn't happy with myself so I did things that I shouldn't have. I was sneaking into place that were 21 and up, I was hanging out with the wrong crowd of people. I was always looking to have fun, but was it truly fun, NO. This is a mask, this is me turning a blind eye on Jesus. So let me tell you what happens when you turn a blind eye on Jesus, you stir yourself into an uncharted playground, where sin and idol...