Who really deserves the Glory?

I have been pretty busy with summer camp and taking online summer classes. I feel like a busy working bee, always focused on the next task. I love being busy, having something to occupy my mind and my thoughts. Something to keep me from daydreaming...

 I got a good reason why. When I was little around six years old, I remember being at my best friend's house and I would daydream about dancing and hotdogs. That's before I gave up hotdogs a year later... Bad experience with hotdogs (that should be a blog page, titled "1000 reasons not to eat hotdogs"). Now why would someone want to avoid daydreaming? Now normally when people daydream, it is considered the gateway to problem-solving and creativity, but what if a person daydreams about something negative. One singular thought. My daydream isn't a happy one, its a negative one. Usually when I daydream it's like replaying the same event from a scary movie. Daydreaming the movie from a different or same angle each and every time.

The Bible does say in Ephesians 6:12| "For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places."

What happens when the devil occupies your mind, rather than allowing God to? Sometimes I think after a horrible, extremely graphic daydream, my first question is how does that happen? How can I get pulled back into an event that occupies me in all ways physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially. Like a the daydream becomes a fog that takes my eyes off God. I have been learning (because I am not perfect nor am I a genius) that the Devil wants and craves the glory that we give to God.. He wants to destroy those whose minds are occupied by God. Like when you are a kid, and your parents tell you not to talk to strangers. We must entertain the Devil like he is that stranger. Instead of talking to him and letting him get what he wants, instead we must learn to say "go away" and walk away.

Why am I giving him this much glory on my blog. He doesn't deserve that much. He wasn't the rave  that made everyone want to pick up The Bible, on the New York best-seller's list, nor he is he a #topic on twitter.

Treat those who ask you to get in a random car with a random stranger, like we treat the evil ones that the Lord protects us from. Say no because the lords plans will take me on a greater journey than your car will ever take me. Use your hands and swipe those grey clouds from the negative daydream, so you won't take your eyes off what's important and greater than all things, The Lord.  

I am a child of the Lord, who is loved and cherished, and I will rejoice his name to the highest.


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