Running into Daddy's arms
At a finish line you run - run into victory. Accomplishment. You can say that you have done it! You have checked running a 5 K off your list. Usually people are clapping and cheering for you once you are finished. When your mind runs a race what usually happens is that you are bumbarded by a million thoughts and ideas. They continually to take precedent over one another, and that stops you from focusing on one thing. That's what happens when you allow the enemy to besiege your mind. To surround you with thoughts: "I know what's best for you," "you need more money," "make more friends," "work harder," "why aren't you out having fun?" The mind is a powerful weapon that can work against you sometimes, that's only when you invite the enemy into it. That's like having a tea party and inviting everyone who is a powerful impact in your life to come, but also inviting the one person who causes you negativity. You sit do...