Live Freely.

If you asked me how my day was going yesterday, I would of made the face of a snarling wolf. Today was not the best day in the world, but as I think back on my day I can tell you where I went wrong in the day. First off I wore the world's most uncomfortable shoes for walking across a college campus. Next I styled my hair wrong, so I looked as if I was the missing cousin of the Bride of Frankenstein. Yikes! They day continues to unravel by ignoring the comment that my mother made. "Start the day off with the Lord, don't let the enemy steal your joy...... Yeahhhhhhh. That's where I went wrong. I just completely let my heart and my patience's for the Lord flake away. Probably shouldn't have done that. Instead I was in a bad mood for the rest of the day, I realized I left my laptop at home and I had ranch dressing coating my entire lunchbox. I was ill tempered and anxious. Now that's a life of a Christian girl that doesn't get talked about. We only ...